
Giving birth abroad: what are the consquences for the starting amount?

Different countries, different rules

Are you pregnant and residing abroad? You might still be entitled to the  starting amount. Wether or not you are eligible, depends on your specific situation. let's elaborate.

What is the starting amount?

It's a one time premium of €1.238,78 which you receive at the birth (or adoption) of a son or daughter living in Flanders.

Are you living abroad or just staying there temporarily at the time of your delivery? Wel in certain cases you can still receive the starting amount. 

EU and starting amount

What conditions do you have to meet to receive the starting amount while residing in the EU?

If your child is born in a country within the European Union, you may be eligible to receive the starting amount if:

  • you are a Flemish civil servant,
  • you work in Flanders as an employee, you are still employed on the day of birth, and you hold the nationality of one of the EEA countries,
  • you are self-employed in Flanders,
  • or if the country where you reside does not provide a similar allowance, and there is either professional activity or an equivalent activity during the employment contract, or a self-employed activity in Belgium.

Attention! If you live in Flanders but give birth outside Belgium, and neither parent has a professional activity in Belgium, please contact us. You may still be entitled to the start amount if certain conditions are met.

Is your child born in France or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg? In that case, the local authorities there will pay the start amount if your child has their residence in France or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.

Residence outside of the EEA countries and starting amount

What are the conditions you have to meet to receive the starting amount when your residence is outside of the EU?

If your child is born outside the European Union, you may be entitled to the start amount if:

  • one of the parents has their domicile in Flanders at the time of birth 
  • and the child and one of the parents are registered in Flanders within two months after birth, with the family declaring that Flanders is the child's first registration country
  • or if the child, parent, or partner is unable to come to Belgium for medical reasons. A foreign medical certificate must be provided and confirmed by a doctor in Belgium (in this case, the entitlement to the start amount remains valid for a maximum of three years)
  • and you do not receive a similar allowance in another country, from an international institution, or from another regional entity
  • and no (step)parent or cohabiting partner is employed in the country outside the EEA where the child is born
  • and you are entitled to family benefits in Flanders from the month of birth  
  • Or if you work abroad as a seconded employee or as a government official from Flanders. In this case, please contact us.

Do you think you may be eligible for the starting amount? Feel free to contact your Parentia team. They will be happy to check whether you are entitled to it.  

Birth abroad

How to apply for the starting amount for a child born abroad?

You can also easily apply for the starting amount online at Parentia, even if your child is born abroad. Prefer to apply on paper? That’s possible too. You can send us the ‘Claim for startbedrag' form by mail.

By law, the advance payment of the starting amount for a first birth must be made to the child's mother. Therefore, she is usually the one who submits the application. However, in practice, both parents can apply for the starting amount with Parentia.

Do you have any questions? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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