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Check out our information tailored to your family

Your family, in our heart from the start. 

Parentia originated from the merger of the child benefit funds of Partena, Attentia and Future Generations. As the largest child benefit fund in Flanders, Brussels and Wallonia, we pay the child benefit of almost 700,000 children. This gives us the strength to help your family efficiently and proactively, by providing you with all the information you need, tailored to your personal situation. This throughout your child's growth path, from baby to young adult.

Carefree through life as a parent, Parentia helps you with that!

As a parent, you undoubtedly have questions to which you do not immediately find the answer. How can you be sure that your administration is completely in order or that you receive all the allowances you are entitled to? How do you make sure your child really gets all the chances? What rights and obligations do you have as a parent? At Parentia we do everything we can to offer you a carefree and personal service. This gives you time to focus on what really matters: allowing your child to fully develop.

On time and correctly

Parentia ensures that your Growth Package is punctually paid, month after month. Thanks to our expertise in both the current and the new system, we ensure your continuity in payment and a proactive service.


We are happy to help you with all aspects of your family's administration. What obligations do you have? What do you do when? What documents do you need to have on hand? What subsidies can you count on? We give a clear answer to all these questions, tailored to your personal family situation. Moreover, we do everything we can to reduce as much as possible the administrative burden for you. We'll get you started and make sure you think of everything, so you can be sure that everything is covered.


And we like to take it one step further. As children develop, parents are sometimes confronted with choices or situations that are new or with questions about how they can best help or stimulate their child. We are happy to inspire you throughout your children's growth path with practical information and tips adapted to their age.

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