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Complaints regarding family allowance

You disagree with a decision or you are not satisfied with our services?
In that case you can file a complaint with our Quality service through: 
  • our contact form: indicate that your inquiry is a complaint. 
  • a letter: Parentia Brussels vzw, Quality Service, Ravensteinstraat 36, 1000 Brussel
We will handle your inquiry with the appropriate attention and keep you informed.
you can also contact de Dispute and Mediation Service of Iriscare. They assist by mediating between the child benefit fund and the family. 

Due to the sixth state reform, child benefits have been transferred to the regions and are exercised by the communities. Child benefits are managed by the four entities: Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and the German-speaking community.

Each entity has developed a scheme tailored to the specific needs of its residents.

In the Brussels-Capital Region, Iriscare is the new bi-community public utility institution responsible for implementing and managing the new Brussels child benefit scheme.

Within that institution , the Mediation Service can assist you if you find yourself in one of the following situations:
  • You have a general or specific question about your file.
  • You do not understand the information provided to you by your child benefit fund.
  • You do not understand a decision made by your child benefit fund or you disagree with the decision made.
You can address these questions by email to or by postal mail to Iriscare, Mediation Service, Belliardstraat 71 box 2, 1040 Brussels

Iriscare will review your complaint an, after examining your child benefit file based on applicable legal texts, can either provide you with information and confirm the decision of your child benefit institution or initiate a new investigation of the disputed decision.

You can, at any time, appeal to the Brussels Labor Court , even if you have an open complaint. The deadline for filing an appeal is not suspended during the investigation of your complaint.

More information can be found on